
::Anti bullying week: TF2 ficklet - To be trusted

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There's... something strange with this boy.
He's quite different from the others I've been working with. He does not speak loud, or does not actually even speaks at all. You barely have to extract the words from his throat and when he's with all of us he's just standing there, saying nothing, waiting for us to pay attention to him or not. And it's not hard tell he prefers when we do not. I can get that he's not really in found of groups, hell if sniper and medic are, but it's not the same. It's mostly like he's scared of us. Again something that' s quite easy so see. When you try to talk to him, he almost never raise his eyes, which is kinda disturbing, and his sentences are always short. I've managed to had a chat or two with him and... Well he's quite sympathetic and does not looks as the shy type at all. But again, you have to do the first step. I've tried to ask him why he was acting like that and even to reassure him about all the other guys from the team and even about me but every time he just stood silent and nodded, shrugged or gave no more than three words  max answers.
That was how he was before though… and now that we've been sent to this new location, it seems to be even worst. None of us can see him during cease fire. It's like he's simply disappearing as soon as the alarms stop and come back when they start again. And also, from what I can see…dang this boy is exhausted ! Bags had appeared under his eyes, it's Medic who noticed them first, of course he did after all it's his job. Though I know there are things our doc is keeping for himself. “Professional secret” as he call it but I wonder if it's not mostly to respect scout's silence.
Always that ear piercing silence...
One day, I just couldn't support it anymore. I've asked spy's help to find him and when we did I've tried to make him tell us what was going on. The boy didn't said anything. He first tried to run but when we caught him back he almost immediately started to cry. God I felt bad on this day. I took our scout back to his room and let him cry all he wanted. I have no idea of how much time passed before he was done. I helped him to lay down in his bed and told him, as I did more than once, that he could lay on me if he felt like it or needed it. He didn't answered that. T'was not a big surprise. I couldn't prevent a sigh and then I've walked to exit the room. Just before I closed the door, I've heard some new muffled sounds and it took me few seconds to get what it was…and then quite painful to hear actually. I stood in front of the doors, listening to our young partner sobs until they stopped again. He did that several time before the room turned absolutely quiet. I opened the door and saw that he was asleep I've smiled sadly then closed the door for good and turned back to my own business.
I wish I could do better. But I don't wanna force him either. Well, I saw the results. The only thing I can hope for is to show him he's ain't alone to deal with whatever is happening right now as in the future.
music -> 18 - Mikiya Kokuto


Help is most part of the time very close by

howdie partners ! geez it's been a while ain't it ? well, here's a very VEEEEERY short fic for the Anti-Bullying week. 
I usually don't really take part into events like those but...eeeeeeeh let's say it's a subject that I unfortunately know about. 

"But waiiiit a minute there ! How is that in link with bullying in anyways ?!"  
Well dear fellas, There are few possibilities for the point of view when it comes to this subject. The victim's one, the Bully's one and the other people who doesn't really know, most part of the time, what the heck is going on. 

And it's not easy, like At all, to speak about open to our parents and friends about that. (even when you're a victim you usually don't really have any friend though...haha...).  All they can really do is standing there and waiting, trying to make things a little better without trying to rush it. 
Trust me, when they forced it you just feel soooooo horribly sick and actually even more helpless than before...
 Helping is good, of course it is ! but there are different ways to do it. 

anyways, on those good words that's all I've got to say ^^
Sorry if there are mistakes T.T I was going for an entire different thing but this is what I've got as a result. 

hope you like it :la:


L'aide est la plus part du temps très proche

Howdie les gens ! Geez ça fait une paye que j'avais rien posté ! Et me revoilà avec une très trèèèèèèès courte fic pour la Anti-Bullying Week. 
Je me mêe pas vraiment à ce genre d'évènements d'habitude (par manque de temps ou de motivation) mais...eeeeeeeeeeh disons que cette fois c'est un sujet que j'ai le malheur de connaitre. 

Uuuuuuuuuuune minute ! En quoi est ce que ce truc à un rapport avec ce sujet ?!"
Et bien mes chers petits amis, il existe généralement quelques possibilités de point de vues dans ce genre de cas. Celui de la victime, de la brute et enfin celui des autres qui, la plus part du temps, ne comprennent foutrement rien de ce qu'il se passe. 

Et ce n'est pas quelque chose de facile, voir même absolument pas, de s'ouvrir à des gens quand on est en plein dedans, même les parents ou les amis (même si...dans ce genre de cas il n'y en as pas vraiment des amis...haha...). BRef, ces personnes extérieures ne peuvent généralement pas faire grand chose d'autre que d'être là et d'attendre, n essayant de ne pas trop brusquer les choses. 
Croyez moi, quand ça force ça rends les gens bieeeeeeeeeen pire et on se sent juste malade et encore plus enfoncé. 
Aider c'est bien, évidemment que ça l'est ! mais il y a l'art et la manière de faire. 

bref, en ces sages paroles c'est tout ce que j'ai à dire ^^
Désolé si il y a des erreurs T.T J'étais parti sur complétement autre chose à la base puis...bha j'ai fini avec ça. 

bref, enjoy! :la:

text, oc and story © me
TF2 © Valve

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DarkNekoChan77's avatar
(Merci a gogole traduction =p)
C'est vachement prenant comme histoire (joue pas avec mes sentiments comme ça T_T shame on you !).
Comme le dit Aspi, c'est intense.